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Trust, Estate, and Investment Services FAQs

HPB trust logo

We are pleased to offer administrative and investment services for personal trusts, estate and decedent's trust administration, investment management accounts, conservatorships, and managed or self-directed IRAs. The Trust, Estate, and Investment Services department is another way that High Plains Bank is positively impacting our communities and represents our vision of doing the right things for our customers.

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Trusts and How Are They Established?

  • The Grantor (Trustor) may establish a trust while living, which is prepared by an attorney.
  • The trust may be revocable or irrevocable. 
  • While a trust may be created through the provisions of a will, the trust does not come into existence until the testator, the person who makes the will, dies.
  • A Revocable Living Trust is a flexible legal document that empowers an individual or corporate fiduciary to manage finances or assets held within the trust, particularly in the event of incapacity due to injury or illness.
  • Individuals often utilize trusts as a means to maintain control over their assets and specify the beneficiaries who will inherit these assets upon their passing. Additionally, trusts offer the benefit of bypassing the probate court process, streamlining the transfer of assets to designated heirs.
  • A Revocable Living Trust allows the Grantor (Trustor) to make changes or revoke while living and able.

What is an Irrevocable Trust?

  • An Irrevocable Trust is a trust that cannot be changed or revoked.
  • Grantors (Trustors) give up control of assets put into the Irrevocable Trust.
  • An Irrevocable Trust can help to reduce estate taxes, provide asset protection, and help to avoid the probate process upon the Grantor’s (Trustor’s) death.
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What is a Special Needs Trust?

  • A Special Needs Trust (SNT) is also referred to as a Supplemental Needs Trust. A SNT is a trust that is established for people with disabilities or access and functional needs.
  • A SNT enables assets to be held on behalf of a disabled individual without disqualifying them for government benefits such as Medicaid or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
  • While assets held by the SNT are not “countable” for the purpose of qualifying for such programs, there are strict regulations regarding disbursements. 

What is a Charitable Trust?

  • A Charitable Trust is an Irrevocable Trust established to donate cash or securities to chosen tax-exempt charitable or nonprofit organizations.
  • A Charitable Trust will benefit the charitable organization and may provide tax benefits and deductions to the Grantor (Trustor). (Always consult with a tax professional).
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Meet the Trust, Estate, and Investment Services Team

Cindy Kindsfater photo
Cindy Kindsfater
Trust Officer
Jane Cox photo
Jane M. Cox
Sr. Vice President, Sr. Trust Officer
photo of Jessica Garwood
Jessica Garwood
Trust Administrator
Raluca Berry
Trust Operations Administrator
Shayna Mitchell headshot
Shayna Mitchell
Trust Operations Administration Specialist
Our offices are located at 385 Main Street in Downtown Longmont. 
Contact us at 720-340-7001 or and find out how we may be able to assist with estate and decedent’s trust administration.