Happy 2023 - Resolve to Talk About Family Finances!
The beginning of a New Year is traditionally a time we take stock and make resolutions, from health, to careers, to our finances. But according to a recent study, talking about money in our families ranks below discussions about a host of difficult topics, despite evidence that understanding finances empowers individuals to create financial health and manage their money better. But why is this such a hard topic for some? Perhaps it’s not what we’re discussing, but the way we approach these conversations. HPBU Financial Education Center is here to empower you and your family for long-term financial health.
High Plains Bank – 100 Years of Friendly Banking
High Plains Bank’s commitment to support the vitality of our communities began more than one hundred years ago. The bank is explicit that its first goal is to make a lasting impact in our communities while empowering people to manage their financial moments of need and life events. As a family and employee-owned community bank, High Plains Bank places the highest value on relationships with our customers and our employees. High Plains Bank was founded in 1908 in Flagler, Colorado with physical branches in Bennett, Flagler, Keenesburg, Downtown and Northwest Longmont, Wiggins, as well as digital banking services through HPBGO.com.